WindowText SystemColors.WindowText property public static Color WindowText { get ; } 也可以看看 struct Color class SystemC......SystemColors 命名空间 Aspose.Drawing 部件 Aspose.Drawing WindowFrame 简体中文...
FontFamily Font.FontFamily property public FontFamily FontFamily { get ; } 也可以看看 class FontFamily class Font 命名空间 Asp......class Font 命名空间 Aspose.Drawing 部件 Aspose.Drawing Bold GdiCharSet...
Right RectangleF.Right property Gets the x-coordinate that is the sum of X and Width of this RectangleF structure. pu......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Location Size...
Size Font.Size property Gets the em-size of this Font measured in the units specified by the Unit property. public fl......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing OriginalFontName SizeInPoints...
InactiveBorder SystemColors.InactiveBorder property Gets a Color structure that is the color of an inactive window’s ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing HotTrack InactiveCaption...
Matrix34 ColorMatrix.Matrix34 property Gets or sets the element at the third row and fourth column of this ColorMatri......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Matrix33 Matrix40...
Matrix13 ColorMatrix.Matrix13 property Gets or sets the element at the first row and third column of this ColorMatrix......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Matrix12 Matrix14...
Matrix21 ColorMatrix.Matrix21 property Gets or sets the element at the second row and first column of this ColorMatri......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Matrix20 Matrix22...