DeepPink Pens.DeepPink property Gets the deep pink Pen. public static Pen DeepPink { get ; } Property Value The deep ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing DarkViolet DeepSkyBlue...
OliveDrab Pens.OliveDrab property Gets the olive drab Pen. public static Pen OliveDrab { get ; } Property Value The o......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Olive Orange...
BurlyWood Pens.BurlyWood property Gets the burly wood Pen. public static Pen BurlyWood { get ; } Property Value The b......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Brown CadetBlue...
SpringGreen Pens.SpringGreen property Gets the spring green Pen. public static Pen SpringGreen { get ; } Property Val......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Snow SteelBlue...
IndianRed Pens.IndianRed property Gets the indian red Pen. public static Pen IndianRed { get ; } Property Value The i......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing HotPink Indigo...
IsSystemFont Font.IsSystemFont property public bool IsSystemFont { get ; } 也可以看看 class Font 命名空间 Aspose.drawing 部件 As......class Font 命名空间 Aspose.Drawing 部件 Aspose.Drawing Height Italic...