Empty SizeF.Empty field Gets a SizeF structure that has a Height and Width value of 0. public static readonly SizeF E......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SizeF Add...
Clone Region.Clone method Creates an exact copy of this Region. public Region Clone () Return Value The Region that t......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Region Complement...
Strikeout Font.Strikeout property Gets a value indicating whether this Font specifies a horizontal line through the f......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SizeInPoints Style...
InterpolationColors LinearGradientBrush.InterpolationColors property Gets or sets a ColorBlend that defines a multico......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing GammaCorrection LinearColors...
LightBlue Pens.LightBlue property Gets the light blue Pen. public static Pen LightBlue { get ; } Property Value The l......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing LemonChiffon LightCoral...
MediumTurquoise Pens.MediumTurquoise property Gets the medium turquoise Pen. public static Pen MediumTurquoise { get ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing MediumSpringGreen MediumVioletRed...
WhiteSmoke Pens.WhiteSmoke property Gets the white smoke Pen. public static Pen WhiteSmoke { get ; } Property Value T......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing White Yellow...
RoyalBlue Pens.RoyalBlue property Gets the royal blue Pen. public static Pen RoyalBlue { get ; } Property Value The r......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing RosyBrown SaddleBrown...
HotPink Pens.HotPink property Gets the hot pink Pen. public static Pen HotPink { get ; } Property Value The hot pink ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Honeydew IndianRed...