How to Save Generated Barcodes in Aspose.BarCode for Python via Java...will not contain losses and artifacts. The sample BMP barcode image...and therefore often have artifacts and graphical noises. This...
Fill.fore_tint_and_shade property. Gets or sets a double value that lightens or darkens the foreground color.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Shape.FillTintAndShade...
Table.right_padding property. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the right of the contents of cells.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Table.padding.docx"...
aspose.words.saving.OdtSaveMeasureUnit enumeration. Specified units of measure to apply to measurable document content such as shape, widths and other during saving.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "OdtSaveOptions.measurement_units...
ParagraphFormat.keep_with_next property. True if the paragraph is to remains on the same page as the paragraph that follows it.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Table.keep_table_together...
aspose.words.HtmlInsertOptions enumeration. Specifies options for the [DocumentBuilder.insert_html()](../documentbuilder/insert_html/#str_htmlinsertoptions) method.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "DocumentBuilder.PreserveBlocks...
ParagraphFormat.left_indent property. Gets or sets the value (in points) that represents the left indent for paragraph.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "