Font.name_ascii property. Returns or sets the font used for Latin text (characters with character codes from 0 (zero) through 127).... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Font.name_ascii.docx"...
PdfSaveOptions.text_compression property. Specifies compression type to be used for all textual content in the document.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "PdfSaveOptions.text_compression...
Shading.background_pattern_theme_color property. Gets or sets the background pattern theme color in the applied color scheme that is associated with this [Shading](../) object.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Font.ForegroundAndBackgro...
Paragraph.is_end_of_cell property. True if this paragraph is the last paragraph in a [Cell](../../../aspose.words.tables/cell/); false otherwise.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Table.KeepTableTogether...