PclSaveOptions.add_printer_font method. Adds information about font that is uploaded to the printer by manufacturer.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "PclSaveOptions.add_printer_font...
ChartDataLabel.show_bubble_size property. Allows to specify if bubble size is to be displayed for the data labels on a chart... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Charts.bubble_3d.docx"...
HtmlSaveOptions.encoding property. Specifies the encoding to use when exporting to HTML, MHTML or EPUB... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "HtmlSaveOptions.do...
PdfSaveOptions.additional_text_positioning property. A flag specifying whether to write additional text positioning operators or not.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "PdfSaveOptions.add...
PageSetup.sheets_per_booklet property. Returns or sets the number of pages to be included in each booklet.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "PageSetup.booklet.docx"...