Defines whether in created HTML will be removed top and bottom empty Area without any content if any....removed top and bottom empty area without any content (if any)...
StreetAddress KnownPropertyList.StreetAddress field Contains the mail user’s street address. Area: MapiMailUser Canon...... Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name:...
YomiFirstName KnownPropertyList.YomiFirstName field Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the given name of the con...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
LogTypeDesc KnownPropertyList.LogTypeDesc field Contains an expanded description of the journal activity that is bein...... Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogTypeDesc...
InstID KnownPropertyList.InstID field Contains an identifier for all instances of a row in the table. Area: ProviderD...... Area: ProviderDefinedNonTr Canonical...
WorkAddressStreet KnownPropertyList.WorkAddressStreet field Specifies the street portion of the work address of the c...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
Email2OriginalEntryId KnownPropertyList.Email2OriginalEntryId field Specifies the EntryID of the object that correspo...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
Mileage KnownPropertyList.Mileage field Contains the mileage information that is associated with an item. Area: Gener...... Area: General Message Properties...
ReminderSignalTime KnownPropertyList.ReminderSignalTime field Specifies the point in time when a reminder transitions...... Area: Reminders Canonical name: ...
ChangeHighlight KnownPropertyList.ChangeHighlight field Specifies a bit field that indicates how the Meeting object h...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidChangeHighligh...