YomiLastName KnownPropertyList.YomiLastName field Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the surname of the contact....... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
AppointmentUpdateTime KnownPropertyList.AppointmentUpdateTime field Indicates the time at which the appointment was l...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentUpd...
Categories KnownPropertyList.Categories field Contains the array of text labels assigned to this Message object. Area...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidLidCategories...
ContactCharacterSet KnownPropertyList.ContactCharacterSet field Specifies the character set used for a Contact object...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
AppointmentColor KnownPropertyList.AppointmentColor field Specifies the color to be used when displaying the Calendar...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentCol...
ExtractedUrls KnownPropertyList.ExtractedUrls field Contains an XML document with a single UrlSet element. Area: Extr...... Area: Extracted Entities Canonical...
FlagRequest KnownPropertyList.FlagRequest field Contains user-specifiable text to be associated with the flag. Area: ...... Area: Flagging Canonical name: PidLidFlagRequest...
FaxNumberOfPages KnownPropertyList.FaxNumberOfPages field Contains the number of pages in a Fax object. Area: Unified...... Area: Unified Messaging Canonical...