AccessControlListData KnownPropertyList.AccessControlListData field Contains a permissions list for a folder. Area: A...... Area: Access Control Properties Canonical...
ReplyRequested KnownPropertyList.ReplyRequested field Indicates whether a reply is requested to a Message object. Are...... Area: MapiRecipient Canonical name:...
WeekInterval KnownPropertyList.WeekInterval field Identifies the number of weeks that occur between each meeting. Are...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidWeekInterval...
CalendarGeoLatitude KnownPropertyList.CalendarGeoLatitude field Specifies the geographical latitude of the location o...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarGeoLa...
HttpmailCalendar KnownPropertyList.HttpmailCalendar field Specifies the URL for the Calendar folder for a particular ...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameHttpmailCalen...
AttachmentFlags KnownPropertyList.AttachmentFlags field Indicates special handling for an Attachment object. Area: Me...... Area: Message Attachment Properties...
OfflineAddressBookMessageClass KnownPropertyList.OfflineAddressBookMessageClass field Contains the message class for ...... Area: Offline Address Book Properties...
SenderIdStatus KnownPropertyList.SenderIdStatus field Reports the results of a Sender-ID check. Area: Secure Messagin...... Area: Secure Messaging Properties...
MessageSubmissionId KnownPropertyList.MessageSubmissionId field Contains a message identifier assigned by a message t...... Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagMessageSubmiss...
address property address property Represents the address of a hyperlink. Definition: @property def address ( self ): ......class Hyperlink delete method area property English Русский 简体中文...