QuarantineOriginalSender KnownPropertyList.QuarantineOriginalSender field Specifies the original sender of a message....... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameQuarantineOri...
AppointmentStartDate KnownPropertyList.AppointmentStartDate field Identifies the date that the appointment starts. Ar...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentSta...
BirthdayLocal KnownPropertyList.BirthdayLocal field Specifies the birthday of a contact. Area: Contact Properties Can...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
OrganizerAlias KnownPropertyList.OrganizerAlias field Specifies the email address of the organizer. Area: Conferencin...... Area: Conferencing Canonical name:...
ResponseStatus KnownPropertyList.ResponseStatus field Specifies the response status of an attendee. Area: Meetings Ca...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidResponseStatus...
AppointmentEndTime KnownPropertyList.AppointmentEndTime field Indicates the time that the appointment ends. Area: Cal...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentEnd...
AppointmentEndDate KnownPropertyList.AppointmentEndDate field Indicates the date that the appointment ends. Area: Cal...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentEnd...
AgingDontAgeMe KnownPropertyList.AgingDontAgeMe field Specifies whether to automatically archive the message. Area: C...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidLidAgingDontAgeMe...
RowType KnownPropertyList.RowType field Identifies the type of the row. Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: Pi...... Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical...