UseTnef KnownPropertyList.UseTnef field Specifies whether Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) is to be incl...... Area: Run-time configuration Canonical...
OrdinalMost KnownPropertyList.OrdinalMost field Contains a positive number whose negative is less than or equal to th...... Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidTagOrdinalMost...
AttachContentBase KnownPropertyList.AttachContentBase field Contains the base of a relative URI. Area: Message Attach...... Area: Message Attachment Properties...
OwnerName KnownPropertyList.OwnerName field Indicates the name of the owner of the mailbox. Area: Meetings Canonical ...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOwnerName...
PostRssItemGuid KnownPropertyList.PostRssItemGuid field Contains a unique identifier for the RSS object. Area: RSS Ca...... Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssItemGui...
RecurrenceType KnownPropertyList.RecurrenceType field Specifies the recurrence type of the recurring series. Area: Ca...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidRecurrenceType...
ReminderSet KnownPropertyList.ReminderSet field Specifies whether a reminder is set on the object. Area: Reminders Ca...... Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderSet...
TaskDeadOccurrence KnownPropertyList.TaskDeadOccurrence field Indicates whether new occurrences remain to be generate...... Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskDeadOccurr...
Email1AddressType KnownPropertyList.Email1AddressType field Specifies the address type of an electronic address. Area...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...