TelexNumber KnownPropertyList.TelexNumber field Contains the mail user’s telex number. This property is returned from...... Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name:...
Aspose::Cells::WorkbookSettings::SetWindowTop method. The distance from the top edge of the client Area to the top edge of the window, in unit of point in C++....from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window...
Aspose::Cells::WorkbookSettings::SetWindowLeftCM method. The distance from the left edge of the client Area to the left edge of the window. In unit of centimeter in C++....the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window...
AddressBookNetworkAddress KnownPropertyList.AddressBookNetworkAddress field Contains a list of names by which a serve...... Area: Address Book Canonical name:...
window_left_cm property window_left_cm property The distance from the left edge of the client Area to the left edge o......the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window...
auto_scale_font property auto_scale_font property True if the text in the object changes font size when the object si......charts class ChartTextFrame area property background property...
auto_scale_font property auto_scale_font property True if the text in the object changes font size when the object si......charts class PlotArea area property background property...
auto_scale_font property auto_scale_font property True if the text in the object changes font size when the object si......charts class ChartArea area property background property...
window_top_inch property window_top_inch property The distance from the top edge of the client Area to the top edge o......from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window...
Aspose::Cells::Charts::Series::SetHasDropLines method. True if the chart has drop lines. Applies only to line chart or Area charts in C++....Applies only to line chart or area charts. void Aspose :: Cells...