Directrix SweptAreaSolid.Directrix property The directrix that the swept area sweeping along with. public Curve Direc......3D SweptAreaSolid EndPoint English...
ParentNode Node.ParentNode property Gets or sets the parent node. public Node ParentNode { get ; set ; } Property Val......3D MetaDatas Transform English Русский...
OutWeight KeyFrame.OutWeight property Gets or sets the out(right) weight on this key frame. public float OutWeight { ......3D OutTangent StepMode English Русский...
LengthSegments Plane.LengthSegments property Gets or sets the length segments. public int LengthSegments { get ; set ......3D Length Up English Русский 简体中文...
DuplicatedNameCounterFormat Discreet3dsSaveOptions.DuplicatedNameCounterFormat property The format of the duplicated ......3D DuplicatedNameCounte DuplicatedNameSepara...
ShowUI Html5SaveOptions.ShowUI property Display a simple UI in the scene. Default value is true. public bool ShowUI {......3D ShowRulers UpVector English Русский...
GenerateNormal PolygonModifier.GenerateNormal method Generate normal data from Mesh definition public static VertexEl......3D BuildTangentBinormal GenerateUV...
SerializeW ObjSaveOptions.SerializeW property Gets or sets whether serialize W component in model’s vertex position. ......3D PointCloud Verbose English Русский...
Type PatchDirection.Type property Gets or sets the patch’s type. public PatchDirectionType Type { get ; set ; } Prope......3D Divisions English Русский 简体中文...