CompareTo Vector2.CompareTo method Compare current vector to another instance. public int CompareTo ( Vector2 other )......3D true Cross English Русский 简体中文...
Load ITexture2D.Load method Load texture content from specified Bitmap public void Load ( TextureData bitmap ) Parame......3D Save English Русский 简体中文...
ColorBits RenderParameters.ColorBits property Gets or sets how many bits will be used by color buffer. public int Col......3D RenderParameters DepthBits English...
EmbedTextures U3dSaveOptions.EmbedTextures property Embed the external textures into the U3d file, default value is f......3D U3dSaveOptions ExportNormals...
Tube Torus.Tube property Gets or sets the radius of the tube. public double Tube { get ; set ; } Property Value The t......3D Radius TubularSegments English...
Direction LinearExtrusion.Direction property The direction of extrusion, default value is (0, 0, 1) public Vector3 Di......3D Center Height English Русский...
PositiveX CubeFaceData.PositiveX property Gets or sets the data for +X(Right) face public T PositiveX { get ; set ......3D NegativeZ PositiveY English Русский...
Left CubeFaceData.Left property Gets or sets the data for +X(Left) face public T Left { get ; set ; } See Also str......3D Item NegativeX English Русский...
Bottom CubeFaceData.Bottom property Gets or sets the data for -Y(Bottom) face public T Bottom { get ; set ; } See ......3D Back Front English Русский 简体中文...
ToString EntityRendererKey.ToString method Gets the string representation of the EntityRendererKey public override st......3D EntityRendererKey English Русский...