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  1. LayoutEnumerator.Text | Aspose.Words for .NET

    LayoutEnumerator Text property. Gets text of the current span entity. Throws for other entity types in C#....} Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  2. Working with Slides in Aspose.Slides vs pptx4j|...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....Slides vs pptx4j Traverse Presentation Slides in Aspose...
  3. GetDependents Performance - Aspose.Cells Produc...

    I’m using Cell.GetDependents and the runtime is incredibly slow. Is there any more efficient way to get the dependents of a cell? And is there any room on Aspose’s end to further optimize this?...GetDependents(), we need to traverse and check all formulas in...more complicated solution: traverse all cells to gather the precedents...
  4. LayoutEnumerator | Aspose.Words for .NET

    LayoutEnumerator constructor. Initializes new instance of this class in C#.... Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  5. LayoutEnumerator.MoveNextLogical | Aspose.Words...

    LayoutEnumerator MoveNextLogical method. Moves to the next sibling entity in a logical order. When iterating lines of a paragraph broken across pages this method will move to the next line even if it resides on another page in C#.... Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  6. LayoutCollector | Aspose.Words for Java

    This class allows to compute page numbers of document nodes in Java....// The LayoutEnumerator can traverse the collection of layout entities...// The LayoutEnumerator can traverse the collection of layout entities...
  7. LayoutEnumerator.move_first_child method | Aspo...

    LayoutEnumerator.move_first_child method. Moves to the first child entity.... Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  8. LayoutEnumerator.Kind | Aspose.Words for .NET

    LayoutEnumerator Kind property. Gets the kind of the current entity. This can be an empty string but never null in C#.... Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  9. LayoutEnumerator.kind property | Aspose.Words f...

    LayoutEnumerator.kind property. Gets the kind of the current entity... Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  10. Range.GetEnumerator | Aspose.Cells for .NET API...

    Range method. Gets the enumerator for cells in this Range...cells enumerator Remarks When traversing elements by the returned...enumerator may not be able to traverse all cells correctly(some elements...