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  1. Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::get_Do...

    Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::get_Document method. Gets document this instance enumerates in C++....const Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  2. Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::get_Re...

    Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::get_Rectangle method. Returns the bounding rectangle of the current entity relative to the page top left corner (in points) in C++....() Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  3. Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::get_Te...

    Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::get_Text method. Gets text of the current span entity. Throws for other entity types in C++....() Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  4. Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::MovePr...

    Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::MovePrevious method. Moves to the previous sibling entity in C++....() Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  5. layoutenumerator - Aspose.Words for Java - API ...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Words for Java classes & methods. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using Java.... Example: Shows ways of traversing a document's layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  6. Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::get_Pa...

    Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::get_PageIndex method. Gets the 1-based index of a page which contains the current entity in C++....() Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  7. LayoutEnumerator.MoveParent | Aspose.Words for ...

    LayoutEnumerator MoveParent method. Moves to the parent entity in C#....() Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  8. Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::MovePr...

    Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::MovePreviousLogical method. Moves to the previous sibling entity in a logical order. When iterating lines of a paragraph broken across pages this method will move to the previous line even if it resides on another page in C++....() Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  9. Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::Layout...

    Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutEnumerator::LayoutEnumerator constructor. Initializes new instance of this class in C++.... Examples Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...
  10. LayoutEnumerator | Aspose.Words for Java

    Enumerates page layout entities of a document in Java.... Examples: Shows ways of traversing a document’s layout entities...Create an enumerator that can traverse these entities like a tree...