ControlChar FieldStartChar field. Start of MS Word field character char19 in line and starts a new paragraph. Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , doc...GetChildNodes ( NodeType . Paragraph , true ). Count ); builder...
ControlChar FieldEndChar field. End of MS Word field character char21 in line and starts a new paragraph. Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , doc...GetChildNodes ( NodeType . Paragraph , true ). Count ); builder...
ControlChar LineFeedChar field. Line feed character char10 or n in line and starts a new paragraph. Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , doc...GetChildNodes ( NodeType . Paragraph , true ). Count ); builder...
ControlChar CellChar field. End of a table cell or end of a table row character char7 or a in line and starts a new paragraph. Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , doc...GetChildNodes ( NodeType . Paragraph , true ). Count ); builder...
ControlChar ColumnBreak field. End of column character x000e in line and starts a new paragraph. Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , doc...GetChildNodes ( NodeType . Paragraph , true ). Count ); builder...
ParagraphFactory ParagraphFactory class Allows to create Paragraphs The ParagraphFactory type exposes the following m......ParagraphFactory class Allows to create paragraphs The ParagraphFactory type...Description create_paragraph() Creates a new empty paragraph. create_paragraph(paragraph)...
ParagraphCollection indexer. Retrieves a [Paragraph](../../Paragraph/) at the given index....__getitem__(index) Retrieves a Paragraph at the given index. def __getitem__...Shows how to check whether a paragraph is a move revision. doc =...
Aspose::Words::ControlChar::ColumnBreakChar field. End of column character: (char)14 in line and starts a new paragraph. ASSERT_EQ ( 1 , doc -> get_FirstSection...GetChildNodes ( NodeType :: Paragraph , true ) -> get_Count ());...