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  1. CreateParagraph() | Aspose.Slides for C++ API R...

    Creates a new empty Paragraph....method Creates a new empty paragraph. virtual System :: SharedPtr...CreateParagraph () = 0 Return Value Paragraph . IParagraphFactory::Crea...
  2. Animated Text|Aspose.Slides Documentation

    Animated text in PowerPoint presentation with Aspose.Slides...Adding Animation Effects to Paragraphs We added the AddEffect()...animation effects to a single paragraph. This sample code shows you...
  3. Apply | Aspose.PSD for .NET API Reference

    Apply ITextParagraph.Apply method Applies the specified Paragraph. public void Apply ( ITextParagraph Paragraph ) Par......method Applies the specified paragraph. public void Apply ( ITextParagraph...ITextParagraph paragraph ) Parameter Type Description paragraph ITextParagraph...
  4. IBulletFormat | Aspose.Sildes for .NET API Refe...

    Represents Paragraph bullet formatting properties....IBulletFormat interface Represents paragraph bullet formatting properties...sets the bullet char of a paragraph with no inheritance. Read/write...
  5. Text | Aspose.PSD for .NET API Reference

    Text IText.Text property Gets the text. public string Text { get ; } Property Value The text. Examples The following ......= "Second paragraph\r" ) { throw new Exception...(); } // Checking paragraphs data // Paragraphs have different justification...
  6. Working with Paragraphs in C#|Aspose.Words for ...

    Insert a Paragraph into a document C#. Set Paragraph styles in C#. Work with Paragraph style separator C#. Manipulate Paragraph node using C#....Working with Paragraphs Contents [ Hide ] A paragraph is a set of...character – a paragraph break . In Aspose.Words, a paragraph is represented...
  7. MarkupParagraph | Aspose.PDF for Java API Refer...

    Represents a Paragraph....MarkupParagraph Represents a paragraph. Methods Method Description...of polygon that describes paragraph. getSecondaryPoints() Points...
  8. Paragraph.IsEndOfHeaderFooter | Aspose.Words fo...

    Paragraph IsEndOfHeaderFooter property. True if this Paragraph is the last Paragraph in the HeaderFooter main text story of a Section false otherwise in C#....IsEndOfHeaderFooter Contents [ Hide ] Paragraph.IsEndOfHeaderFooter True if this paragraph is the last paragraph in the HeaderFooter...
  9. IBulletFormatEffectiveData | Aspose.Sildes for ...

    IBulletFormatEffectiveData Contents [ Hide ] IBulletFormatEffectiveData class Immutable object which contains effecti......which contains effective paragraph bullet formatting properties...Returns the bullet type of a paragraph. Read-only BulletType . char...
  10. How to distinguish text in paragraphs with text...

    I have a document that contains two Paragraphs with the same text content: “C5df: sss”. One of the Paragraphs is in shape. c1diff.docx (14.8 KB) How do I distinguish which Paragraph is in the form? I was trying with: …...How to distinguish text in paragraphs with text in shape? Aspose...document that contains two paragraphs with the same text content:...