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  1. Aspose::Words::FrameFormat Class Reference - As...

    Represents frame related formatting for a Paragraph....related formatting for a paragraph. This object is always created...created. If a paragraph is a frame, then all properties will contain...
  2. TxtSaveOptions.save_format property | Aspose.Wo...

    TxtSaveOptions.save_format property. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used...txt document with a custom paragraph break. doc = aw . Document...writeln ( "Paragraph 1." ) builder . writeln ( "Paragraph 2." ) builder...
  3. Style | Aspose.PSD for .NET API 参考

    获取样式... Paragraph ; defaultStyle . FillColor...portions [ 3 ]. Text != "Second paragraph\r" ) { throw new Exception...
  4. IChartParagraphFormat | Aspose.Sildes for Pytho...

    IChartParagraphFormat Contents [ Hide ] IChartParagraphFormat class Represents a Paragraph formatting properties of a......IChartParagraphForma class Represents a paragraph formatting properties of a...sets the text alignment in a paragraph. Read/write TextAlignment...
  5. ParagraphFormat Class | Aspose.Words for .NET

    Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat class. Represents all the formatting for a Paragraph in C#....all the formatting for a paragraph. To learn more, visit the...the Working with Paragraphs documentation article. public class...
  6. BulletFormat | Aspose.Slides for Android via Ja...

    Represents Paragraph bullet formatting properties....IBulletFormat Represents paragraph bullet formatting properties...sets the bullet type of a paragraph with no inheritance. setType(byte...
  7. ParagraphFormat | Aspose.Slides for Android via...

    This class contains the Paragraph formatting properties.... This class contains the paragraph formatting properties. return and manipulate paragraph formatting properties defined...
  8. CompositeNode.PrependChild | Aspose.Words for .NET

    CompositeNode PrependChild method. Adds the specified node to the beginning of the list of child nodes for this node in C#....document, by default, has one paragraph. Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , doc...doc . FirstSection . Body . Paragraphs . Count ); // Composite nodes...
  9. Text | Aspose.PSD for .NET API 参考

    获取或设置文本... Paragraph ; defaultStyle . FillColor...portions [ 3 ]. Text != "Second paragraph\r" ) { throw new Exception...
  10. Aspose::Words::ParagraphFormat::get_OutlineLeve...

    Aspose::Words::ParagraphFormat::get_OutlineLevel method. Specifies the outline level of the Paragraph in the document in C++....the outline level of the paragraph in the document. Aspose ::...Examples Shows how to configure paragraph outline levels to create collapsible...