BevelPresetType BevelPresetType class Constants which define 3d bevel of shape. Constants Name Value Description NotD......class Constants which define 3D bevel of shape. Constants Name...
getPerspective getPerspective() function Returns or sets the perspective value (field of view angle) for 3d charts (b......value (field of view angle) for 3D charts (between 0 and 240). Ignored...
setPerspective setPerspective(byte value) function Returns or sets the perspective value (field of view angle) for 3d......value (field of view angle) for 3D charts (between 0 and 240). Ignored...
getThreeDFormat getThreeDFormat() function Returns the ThreeDFormat object that represents 3d effect properties for a......ThreeDFormat object that represents 3d effect properties for a text...
setLightType setLightType(int value) function Represents a preset light right that can be applied to a shape. The lig......a specific way relative to a 3D scene. Read/write LightRigPresetType...
getSideWall getSideWall() function Returns an object which allows to change format of the side wall of a 3d chart. Re......format of the side wall of a 3D chart. Read-only IChartWall....
Aspose.3d for Node.js via Java limitations and Api differences....Limitations and API Differences Contents [ Hide ] Public API Differences...Aspose.3D for Java and Aspose.3D for Node.js via Java APIs. Importing...
getRotationY getRotationY() function Returns or sets the rotation degree around the Y-axis, i.e. in the X direction f...... in the X direction for 3D charts (between 0 and 360 degrees)...
setRotationY setRotationY(int value) function Returns or sets the rotation degree around the Y-axis, i.e. in the X di...... in the X direction for 3D charts (between 0 and 360 degrees)...
CannotCombine2DAnd3dChartsException CannotCombine2DAnd3dChartsException class Exception which thrown when trying to c......when trying to combine 2D and 3D chart types. CannotCombine2DAnd3D...