setAnchorPoint setAnchorPoint(float[] value) function Returns or sets a point in 3d space. This point is the point in......function Returns or sets a point in 3D space. This point is the point...that anchors the backdrop plane. 3D point represented by array of...
getThreeDFormat getThreeDFormat() function Returns an 3d format. Read-only IThreeDFormat. Result ThreeDFormat...getThreeDFormat() function Returns an 3d format. Read-only IThreeDFormat...
is3dChart is3dChart(int chartType) function Return true if chartType is one of 3d chart types. Result boolean...Return true if chartType is one of 3D chart types. Result boolean...
getDisable3dText getDisable3dText() function Determines whether the 3d text is disabled in SVG. Read/write boolean. R......function Determines whether the 3D text is disabled in SVG. Read/write...
isBar3dChart isBar3dChart(int chartType) function Return true if chartType is one of bar3dChart subtypes (3d columns one of bar3DChart subtypes (3D columns or bars). Result boolean...
getFloor getFloor() function Returns an object which allows to change format of the floor of a 3d chart. Read-only IC......change format of the floor of a 3D chart. Read-only IChartWall....
Backdrop3dScene Backdrop3dScene class Defines a plane in which effects, such as glow and shadow, are applied in relat......() Returns or sets a point in 3D space. This point is the point...that anchors the backdrop plane. 3D point represented by array of...
getLightType getLightType() function Represents a preset light right that can be applied to a shape. The light rig re......a specific way relative to a 3D scene. Read/write LightRigPresetType...
ShapeThumbnailBounds Contents [ Hide ] ShapeThumbnailBounds class Enumeration of types of shape thumbnail bounds. Con...... miter join of acute angle , 3D effects, etc. Slide Shape thumbnail... miter join of acute angle , 3D effects, etc....