GetBindPoint AnimationNode.GetBindPoint method Gets the animation bind point on given property. public BindPoint GetB......3D FindBindPoint GetKeyframeSequence...
GLTF_Binary FileFormat.GLTF_Binary field Khronos Group’s glTF in Binary format public static readonly FileFormat GLTF......3D GLTF2_Binary HTML5 English Русский...
FbxSaveOptions Contents [ Hide ] FbxSaveOptions class Save options for Fbx file. public class FbxSaveOptions : SaveOp......3D to look for external file to...ThreeD.Formats assembly Aspose.3D FbxLoadOptions FileSystemFactory...
CreateLoadOptions FileFormat.CreateLoadOptions method Create a default load options for this file format public LoadO......3D Version CreateSaveOptions English...
ModificationTime AssetInfo.ModificationTime property Gets or Sets the modification time of this asset public DateTime......3D Keywords Revision English Русский...
TransformStyle ColladaSaveOptions.TransformStyle property Gets or sets the style of node transformation public Collad......3D Indented English Русский 简体中文...
Thickness LShape.Thickness property Gets or sets the thickness of the constant wall. public double Thickness { get ; ......3D FilletRadius Width English Русский...
TopFlangeThickness HShape.TopFlangeThickness property Gets or sets the thickness of the top flange. public double Top......3D TopFlangeFilletRadiu TopFlangeWidth...