Order NurbsCurve.Order property Gets or sets the order of a NURBS curve, it defines the number of nearby control poin......3D Multiplicity Rational English...
GetKeyframeSequence BindPoint.GetKeyframeSequence method Gets the first keyframe sequence in specified channel public......3D GetChannel GetKeyframeSequences...
SetWeight MorphTargetChannel.SetWeight method Sets the weight for the specified target, default value is 1, range sho......3D GetWeight DefaultWeight English...
GetTexture Material.GetTexture method Gets the texture from the specified slot, it can be material’s property name or......3D GetEnumerator SetTexture English...
op_Subtraction Vector2 Subtraction operator Subtraction operator for Vector2 public static Vector2 operator -( Vector......3D op_Multiply English Русский 简体中文...