Item PropertyCollection indexer (1 of 2) public Property this [ int idx ] { get ; } 也可以看看 class Property class Proper......3D PropertyCollection indexer (2...命名空间 Aspose.ThreeD 部件 Aspose.3D Count FindProperty 简体中文 English...
MetallicFactor PbrMaterial.MetallicFactor property Gets or sets the metalness of the material, value of 1 means the m......3D EmissiveTexture MetallicRoughness...
CreateDescriptorSet RenderFactory.CreateDescriptorSet method Create the descriptor set for specified shader program. ......3D CreateCubeRenderText CreateIndexBuffer...
OpenEnded Cylinder.OpenEnded property Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Cylinder open ended. The default v......3D OffsetTop RadialSegments English...