Subject IMapiMessageItem.Subject property Gets message subject public string Subject { get ; set ; } See Also interfa......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email MessageClass...
WebDavContactSaveOptions WebDavContactSaveOptions constructor Initializes a new instance of the WebDavContactSaveOpti......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Default...
MapiTaskUsers MapiTaskUsers constructor Initializes a new instance of the MapiTaskUsers class. public MapiTaskUsers (......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Assigner...
MapiNamedPropertyMappingStorage MapiNamedPropertyMappingStorage constructor Initializes a new instance of the MapiNam......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Content...
Birthday MapiContactEventPropertySet.Birthday property Specifies the birthday of the contact public DateTime Birthday......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email MapiContactEventProp...