PR_HOBBIES MapiPropertyTag.PR_HOBBIES field public static readonly long PR_HOBBIES ; See Also class MapiPropertyTag n......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email PR_HI...
PR_SUPERSEDES MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUPERSEDES field public static readonly long PR_SUPERSEDES ; See Also class MapiProp......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email PR_SUBMIT_FLAGS...
PR_SELECTABLE MapiPropertyTag.PR_SELECTABLE field public static readonly long PR_SELECTABLE ; See Also class MapiProp......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email PR_SECURITY...
PR_DELTAY MapiPropertyTag.PR_DELTAY field public static readonly long PR_DELTAY ; See Also class MapiPropertyTag name......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email PR_DELTAX...
BodyHtml MapiMessageItemBase.BodyHtml property Gets the BodyRtf of the message converted to HTML, if present, otherwi......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Body BodyRtf...
OleDocumentFormat OleDocumentFormat constructor Initializes a new instance of the OleDocumentFormat class. public Ole......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email AdobeAcrobatDocument...
ToString OleDocumentFormat.ToString method Overridden. Returns a string representation of this instance. public overr......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email GetHashCode...
Sensitivity MapiMessageItemBase.Sensitivity property Gets the Sensitivity. public MapiSensitivity Sensitivity { get ;......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Recipients...
Attachment KnownPropertySets.Attachment field Area name: Message attachment Property set name: PSETID_Attachment publ......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Appointment...