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  1. XMP with geotagging

    XMP with geotagging refers to the integration of geospatial metadata within XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) data. XMP is a standard metadata format that allows for the embedding of descriptive information into various file types, such as images and documents. Geotagging in XMP involves adding location-based metadata, such as latitude and longitude coordinates, to the XMP metadata of a file. This enables the association of specific geographic information with the file, allowing for enhanced organization, searchability, and interpretation of geospatial data. Geotagged XMP metadata provides valuable context and facilitates geospatial analysis and visualization in applications that support XMP metadata....information, camera settings, keywords, and more. One of the key...XMP metadata. Use consistent keywords, descriptions, and copyright...
  2. Mbox search Text - Free Support Forum -

    Hello, I use the this code to filter messages in PST/OST files by keyword: pst = PersonalStorage.from_file(pstFileName,False) folderInfo = pst.root_folder querybuilder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder() querybuilder.te…...messages in PST/OST files by keyword: pst = PersonalStorage.from_file(pstFileName...querybuilder.text.contains(Keyword, True) messages = folderInfo...
  3. XMP with geotagging

    XMP with geotagging refers to the integration of geospatial metadata within XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) data. XMP is a standard metadata format that allows for the embedding of descriptive information into various file types, such as images and documents. Geotagging in XMP involves adding location-based metadata, such as latitude and longitude coordinates, to the XMP metadata of a file. This enables the association of specific geographic information with the file, allowing for enhanced organization, searchability, and interpretation of geospatial data. Geotagged XMP metadata provides valuable context and facilitates geospatial analysis and visualization in applications that support XMP metadata....information, camera settings, keywords, and more. One of the key...XMP metadata. Use consistent keywords, descriptions, and copyright...
  4. Get PDF File Information in PHP|Aspose.PDF for ...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....$doc_info->getCreationDate(); print "Keywords:-" . $doc_info->getKeywords();...
  5. Redaction issue --Urgent help required - Free S...

    Hi Team, I am facing an issue in Search and redaction .I am using version 2.0 Aspose.pdf dll. It works fine in Local but when it is deployed in the server it is throwing an unknown exception while saving the pdf file int…...My search keyword is “Accenture” and i have attached...lic"); string[] keywords = maskingBdo.Keywords.Split(’,’); Aspose...
  6. Add special characters in with As...

    Dear Sir Can I know if there is any update on this?...Keywords = “This is test ++ 未”; //save...The problem is that, if the “Keywords” contains some Chinese word...
  7. BuiltInProjectPropertyCollection.h - Aspose.Tas...

    Aspose.Tasks for C++ BuiltInProjectPropertyCollection.h 1 #pragma once 2 //------------------------------------------......<summary> 100 /// Gets the keywords of a project. 101 /// </summary>...ASPOSE_TASKS_SHARED_API System::String get_Keywords (); 103 /// <summary> 104...
  8. FieldKeywords - Aspose.Words for Java - API Ref...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Words for Java classes & methods. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using Java....extends Field Implements the KEYWORDS field. Retrieves, and optionally...document's keywords, as recorded in the Keywords property of...
  9. Aspose.HTML for .NET 21.8 Release Notes

    This article contains information about the Aspose.HTML for .NET 21.8 Release Notes - made improvements for the MHTML processing algorithm....get; set; } /// <summary> /// Keywords associated with the document.../// </summary> public string Keywords { get; set; } /// <summary>...
  10. module | Aspose.Words f...

    The module provides classes to work with custom and built-in document properties such as title, Keywords, company such as title, keywords, company etc. Classes Class...