Author PdfDocumentInfo.Author property Gets or sets author of the document. public string Author { get ; set ; } See ......PSD PdfDocumentInfo Keywords English Русский 简体中文...
Language FindMailboxStatisticsByKeywordsType.Language property public string Language { get ; set ; } 也可以看看 class Fin......Email Keywords Mailboxes 简体中文 English Русский...
Subject PdfDocumentInfo.Subject property Gets or sets subject of the document. public string Subject { get ; set ; } ......Imaging Keywords Title English Русский 简体中文...
ModificationTime AssetInfo.ModificationTime property Gets or Sets the modification time of this asset public DateTime......3D Keywords Revision English Русский 简体中文...
FIT_TO_PAGE PdfDevice.FIT_TO_PAGE field “Fit content to page” property key. public static readonly string FIT_TO_PAGE......Page EMIT_WARNINGS KEYWORDS English Русский 简体中文...
This section explains how to get PDF file information with Aspose.PDF Facades using PdfFileInfo like Subject, Title, Keywords and Creator etc. The following...System . out . println ( "Keywords: " + fileInfo . getKeywords...
LastSavedBy CadHeader.SummaryInfoWrapper.LastSavedBy property public string LastSavedBy { get ; set ; } 也可以看看 class S......CAD Keywords ModifiedDateTime 简体中文 English...
Subject PdfDocumentInfo.Subject property Gets or sets subject of the document. public string Subject { get ; set ; } ......PSD Keywords Title English Русский 简体中文...
HyperlinkBase CadHeader.SummaryInfoWrapper.HyperlinkBase property public string HyperlinkBase { get ; set ; } 也可以看看 c......CAD EditingTime Keywords 简体中文 English Русский...
Aspose::Words::Properties::BuiltInDocumentProperties::get_Subject method. Gets or sets the subject of the document in C++....); // We can set multiple keywords for a document by separating...separating the string value of the "Keywords" property with semicolons...