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  1. Id | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    Id ParametricCurves.Id property Gets or sets the Id. A text string containing the unique Identifier of the curves ele......Id ParametricCurves.Id property Gets or sets the id. A text string...document. Required. public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class...
  2. Id | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    Id PIdTagPropertyDescriptor.Id property Gets an unsigned 16-bit quantity that Identifies a tagged property. Property ......Id PidTagPropertyDescri.Id property Gets an unsigned 16-bit quantity...a tagged property. Property IDs are not necessarily unique. With...
  3. Id | Aspose.Tasks for .NET API Reference

    Id Value.Id property Gets or sets the unique Identifier of a value across a project. It’s important to not have same ......Id Value.Id property Gets or sets the unique identifier of a...instances. Minimal Id value is 1 . public int Id { get ; set ; }...
  4. Id | Aspose.Sildes for .NET API Reference

    Id SvgShape.Id property Gets shape Id public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class SvgShape namespace Aspose.SlIde......Id SvgShape.Id property Gets shape id public string Id { get...
  5. Id | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    Id IfcOrganization.Id property Id public IfcIdentifier Id { get ; set ; } See Also class IfcIdentifier class IfcOrgan......Id IfcOrganization.Id property Id public IfcIdentifier Id { get...
  6. Id | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    Id DgnTag.Id property Gets or sets tag Id public ushort Id { get ; set ; } See Also class DgnTag namespace Aspose.CAD......Id DgnTag.Id property Gets or sets tag id public ushort Id {...
  7. Id | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    Id EvaluateScene.Id property Gets or sets the Id. public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class EvaluateScene names......Id EvaluateScene.Id property Gets or sets the id. public string...string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class EvaluateScene namespace...
  8. Id | Aspose.Finance for .NET API Reference

    Gets or sets the unit Id....Id Unit.Id property Gets or sets the unit id. public string Id...Id { get ; set ; } See Also class Unit namespace Aspose.Finance...
  9. Id | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    Id Bucket.Id property Id of the bucket. Read-only. public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class Bucket namespace A......Id Bucket.Id property ID of the bucket. Read-only. public string...string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class Bucket namespace Aspose...
  10. Id | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    Id ThumbnailSet.Id property The Id within the item.Read-only. public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class Thumbna......Id ThumbnailSet.Id property The id within the item.Read-only...Read-only. public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class ThumbnailSet...