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  1. Id | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    Id Identity.Id property Unique Identifier for the Identity. public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class Identity ......Id Identity.Id property Unique identifier for the identity. public...public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class Identity namespace...
  2. Id | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    Id DgnTagSetElement.Id property Gets the Identifier. public long Id { get ; } Property Value The Identifier. See Also......Id DgnTagSetElement.Id property Gets the identifier. public long...long Id { get ; } Property Value The identifier. See Also class...
  3. Id | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    Id Camera.Id property Gets or sets the Id. A text string containing the unique Identifier of the camera element. This......Id Camera.Id property Gets or sets the id. A text string containing...document. Optional. public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class...
  4. Id | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    Id Source.Id property Gets or sets the Id. public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class Source namespace Aspose.CA......Id Source.Id property Gets or sets the id. public string Id {...
  5. Id | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    Id ProfileBrIdge.Id property Gets or sets the Id. public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class ProfileBrIdge names......Id ProfileBridge.Id property Gets or sets the id. public string...string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class ProfileBridge namespace...
  6. Id | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    Id ObjectName.Id property Gets or sets object name Identifier public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class ObjectN......Id ObjectName.Id property Gets or sets object name identifier...identifier public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class ObjectName...
  7. Id | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    Id FormField.Id property Get or set Id of field. public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class FormField namespace ......Id FormField.Id property Get or set Id of field. public string...string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class FormField namespace Aspose...
  8. ID | Aspose.Diagram for .NET API Reference

    Id DataRecordSet.Id property The data recordset Id, unique within the document. public uint Id { get ; set ; } See Al......ID DataRecordSet.ID property The data recordset ID, unique within...within the document. public uint ID { get ; set ; } See Also class...
  9. Id | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    Id Content.Id property Unique Identifier of an audit record. Mandatory: Yes public GuId Id { get ; set ; } See Also c......Id Content.Id property Unique identifier of an audit record.... Mandatory: Yes public Guid Id { get ; set ; } See Also class...
  10. Id | Aspose.Finance for .NET API Reference

    Gets or sets the Id of the inline fact....Id InlineFact.Id property Gets or sets the id of the inline fact...fact. public string Id { get ; set ; } See Also class InlineFact...