Artist JpegExifData.Artist property Gets or sets the artist. public string Artist { get ; set ; } Property Value The ......Exif assembly Aspose.CAD JpegExifData...
Copyright JpegExifData.Copyright property Gets or sets the copyright. public string Copyright { get ; set ; } Propert......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging Compression...
GPSLatitude ExifData.GPSLatitude property public TiffRational [] GPSLatitude { get ; set ; } 也可以看看 class TiffRational......Exif 部件 Aspose.CAD GPSImgDirectionRef...
ExifTags ExifData.ExifTags property public TiffDataType [] ExifTags { get ; set ; } 也可以看看 class TiffDataType class Ex......Exif 部件 Aspose.CAD DigitalZoomRatio...
SpectralSensitivity ExifData.SpectralSensitivity property Gets or sets the spectral sensitivity. public string Spectr......Exif assembly Aspose.PSD SpatialFrequencyResp...
Contrast ExifData.Contrast property Gets or sets the contrast. public ExifContrast Contrast { get ; set ; } Property ......Exif assembly Aspose.PSD CompressedBitsPerPix...