XResolution JpegExifData.XResolution property Gets or sets the x resolution. public TiffRational XResolution { get ; ......Exif assembly Aspose.CAD TransferFunction...
Make ExifData.Make property Gets or sets the manufacturer of the recording equipment. public string Make { get ; set ......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging LightSource...
SubjectArea ExifData.SubjectArea property Gets or sets the subject area. public ushort [] SubjectArea { get ; set ; }......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging StandardOutputSensit...
SensingMethod ExifData.SensingMethod property Gets or sets the sensing method. public ExifSensingMethod SensingMethod......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging SceneType...
DateTimeDigitized ExifData.DateTimeDigitized property Gets or sets the date time digitized. public string DateTimeDig......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging CustomRendered...