AddRange ImapMessageInfoCollection.AddRange method Adds the enumeration of ImapMessageInfo objects to the end of the ......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email Add Insert...
ToString SimpleSeqSet.ToString method Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToS......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email Value op_Implicit...
ToString ModificationSequenceField.ToString method Returns a String which represents the object instance. public over......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email GreaterOrEqualTo...
UseUId BaseSearchConditions.UseUId property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the search method returns sequenc......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email Text English...
GmExt1Supported ImapClient.GmExt1Supported property Defines if Google X-GM-EXT-1 extension is supported public bool G......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email ExtendedListSupporte...
Add SequenceSetField.Add method Adds value to search. public void Add ( SequenceSetBaseValue value ) Parameter Type D......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email Values CreateQuery...
ToString RangeSeqSet.ToString method Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToSt......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email StartRange...