SortBy SortConditions.SortBy property Gets or sets sort criteria public SortingKey SortBy { get ; set ; } See Also en......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email ReverseBy...
Selectable ImapFolderInfo.Selectable property Gets a value indicating whether it is possible to select this folder. p......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email Remote Subscribed...
Marked ImapFolderInfo.Marked property Gets a value indicating whether it is marked this folder. public bool Marked { ......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email HighestModSequence...
Recent ImapMessageFlags.Recent property Message is “recently” arrived in this mailbox. public static ImapMessageFlags......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email IsRead BitwiseAnd...
Keyword ImapMessageFlags.Keyword method Message has been marked by custom flag. public static ImapMessageFlags Keywor......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email BitwiseOr...
BaseSearchConditions BaseSearchConditions class Provides base class for the search conditions. public abstract class ......Email.Clients.Imap assembly Aspose.Email BackupSettings...