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bookmark insertion

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  1. DocumentBuilder.end_bookmark method | Aspose.Wo...

    DocumentBuilder.end_Bookmark method. Marks the current position in the document as a Bookmark end....end_bookmark method end_bookmark(bookmark_name) Marks the current...document as a bookmark end. def end_bookmark ( self , bookmark_name :...
  2. DocumentBuilder.insert_hyperlink method | Aspos...

    DocumentBuilder.insert_hyperlink method. Inserts a hyperlink into the document....insert_hyperlink method insert_hyperlink(display_text, url_or_bookmark...url_or_bookmark, is_bookmark) Inserts a hyperlink into the document...
  3. FieldInclude.bookmark_name property | Aspose.Wo...

    FieldInclude.Bookmark_name property. Gets or sets the name of the Bookmark in the document to include....bookmark_name property FieldInclude.bookmark_name property Gets...Gets or sets the name of the bookmark in the document to include...
  4. FieldRef.insert_hyperlink property | Aspose.Wor...

    FieldRef.insert_hyperlink property. Gets or sets whether to create a hyperlink to the Bookmarked paragraph....insert_hyperlink property FieldRef.insert_hyperlink the bookmarked paragraph. Examples Shows how to insert REF fields...
  5. Need to merge two documents and keep original b...

    How can I merge Document1 and Document2 to produce the Merged document? Concatenating the files leaves all of the Bookmarks on the same level. I tried adapting the code in this post but I’m still doing something wrong (h…...documents and keep original bookmarks Aspose.PDF Product Family...the files leaves all of the bookmarks on the same level. I tried...
  6. Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldBarcode Class Refer...

    Implements the BARCODE field....BreakType::LineBreak ); // 2 - Reference a bookmark that stores the value that...field->GetFieldCode()); // The bookmark that the BARCODE field references...
  7. 18.9 Release Notes|Aspose.Words for Java

    Aspose.Words for Java 18.9 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes.... Bookmarks are allowed on block, cell...Bug WORDSNET-17177 Hidden bookmarks are not correct after re-saving...
  8. DocumentBuilder.StartBookmark | Aspose.Words fo...

    DocumentBuilder StartBookmark method. Marks the current position in the document as a Bookmark start in C#....position in the document as a bookmark start. public BookmarkStart...Name of the bookmark. Return Value The bookmark start node that...
  9. Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldRef Class Reference...

    Implements the REF field....Shows how to insert REF fields to reference bookmarks. void FieldRef_()...rFormat(u "> \x0000" ); // Insert a REF field that will contain...
  10. Aspose::Words::DocumentBuilder::StartBookmark m...

    Aspose::Words::DocumentBuilder::StartBookmark method. Marks the current position in the document as a Bookmark start in C++....position in the document as a bookmark start. System :: SharedPtr...System::String& Name of the bookmark. ReturnValue The bookmark start node that...