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bookmark insertion

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  1. FieldXE.PageRangeBookmarkName | Aspose.Words fo...

    FieldXE PageRangeBookmarkName property. Gets or sets the name of the Bookmark that marks a range of pages that is inserted as the entrys page number in C#....the bookmark that marks a range of pages that is inserted as the...Examples Shows how to specify a bookmark’s spanned pages as a page...
  2. 使用 Python 製作 Markdown

    通過幾個步驟在 Python 中創建一個新的 Markdown。使用 Python via .NET 庫輕鬆創建 Markdown。...start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") # 如果 NextSibling...parent_paragraph) builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") doc.Save("Output...
  3. TOC when inserted in the document Right to left...

    StC Original TOC Template.docx (6.6 MB) Hi I am trying to inset TOC in the document at a pre defiend Bookmark location everything works fine but the brackets “(” comes inverted. Once the document is opened in workd i r…...TOC when inserted in the document Right to left Text direction...document at a pre defiend bookmark location everything works...
  4. FieldPageRef.InsertRelativePosition | Aspose.Wo...

    FieldPageRef InsertRelativePosition property. Gets or sets whether to insert a relative position of the Bookmarked paragraph in C#....whether to insert a relative position of the bookmarked paragraph...; set ; } Examples Shows to insert PAGEREF fields to display the...
  5. Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldPageRef Class Refer...

    Implements the PAGEREF field.... Examples Shows to insert PAGEREF fields to display the...the relative location of bookmarks. void FieldPageRef_() { auto...
  6. FieldIndex.page_range_separator property | Aspo...

    FieldIndex.page_range_separator property. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate the start and end of a page range....Examples Shows how to specify a bookmark’s spanned pages as a page...XE field. index = builder . insert_field ( aw . fields . FieldType...
  7. FieldXE.EntryType | Aspose.Words for .NET

    FieldXE EntryType property. Gets or sets an index entry type in C#....within the bounds // of a bookmark named "MainBookmark", and...// On a new page, start the bookmark with a name that matches the...
  8. FieldPageRef.InsertHyperlink | Aspose.Words for...

    FieldPageRef InsertHyperlink property. Gets or sets whether to insert a hyperlink to the Bookmarked paragraph in C#....sets whether to insert a hyperlink to the bookmarked paragraph. public...; set ; } Examples Shows to insert PAGEREF fields to display the...
  9. DocumentBuilder.move_to method | Aspose.Words f...

    DocumentBuilder.move_to method. Moves the cursor to an inline node or to the end of a paragraph....and further content will be inserted before that node. When node...and further content will be inserted just before the paragraph...
  10. Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldGoToButton Class Re...

    Implements the GOTOBUTTON field.... Examples Shows to insert a GOTOBUTTON field. auto doc...take the text cursor to the bookmark whose name the Location property...