BasisCurve TrimmedCurve.BasisCurve property The basis curve to be trimmed. public Curve BasisCurve { get ; set ; } Se......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Entities assembly Aspose.3D TrimmedCurve...
EmissiveColor LambertMaterial.EmissiveColor property Gets or sets the emissive color public Vector3 EmissiveColor { g......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Shading assembly Aspose.3D DiffuseColor...
EmissiveColor PbrMaterial.EmissiveColor property Gets or sets the emissive color public Vector3 EmissiveColor { get ;......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Shading assembly Aspose.3D AlbedoTexture...
WallThickness CShape.WallThickness property Gets or sets the thickness of the wall. public double WallThickness { get......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Profiles assembly Aspose.3D InternalFilletRadius...
Dispose EntityRenderer.Dispose method The entity renderer is being disposed, release shared resources. public virtual......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Render assembly Aspose.3D EntityRenderer...
TimeIndependentTangent KeyFrame.TimeIndependentTangent property Gets or sets the tangent is time-independent public b......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Animation assembly Aspose.3D Time Value...
FlangeThickness TShape.FlangeThickness property Gets or sets the wall thickness of flange. public double FlangeThickn......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Profiles assembly Aspose.3D FlangeEdgeRadius...
WebThickness TShape.WebThickness property Gets or sets the wall thickness of web. public double WebThickness { get ; ......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Profiles assembly Aspose.3D WebEdgeRadius...