IPipeline IPipeline interface The pre-baked sequence of operations to draw in GPU side. public interface IPipeline : ......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Render assembly Aspose.3D IIndexBuffer...
MapEmissive Material.MapEmissive field Used in SetTexture to assign a emissive texture mapping. public const string M......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Shading assembly Aspose.3D MapDiffuse...
Aspect Frustum.Aspect property Gets or sets the aspect ratio of the frustum public double Aspect { get ; set ; } See ......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Entities assembly Aspose.3D Direction...
CurrentAnimationClip Scene.CurrentAnimationClip property Gets or sets the active AnimationClip public AnimationClip C......Scene namespace Aspose.ThreeD assembly Aspose.3D AssetInfo Library...
Description ShaderTechnique.Description property Gets or sets the description of this technique public string Descrip......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Shading assembly Aspose.3D ShaderTechnique...
GetExtent TShape.GetExtent method Gets the extent in x and y dimension. public override Vector2 GetExtent () See Also......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Profiles assembly Aspose.3D WebThickness...
GetExtent EllipseShape.GetExtent method Gets the extent in x and y dimension. public override Vector2 GetExtent () Se......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Profiles assembly Aspose.3D SemiAxis2...
GetExtent LShape.GetExtent method Gets the extent in x and y dimension. public override Vector2 GetExtent () See Also......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Profiles assembly Aspose.3D Width English...
Maximum BoundingBox.Maximum property The maximum corner of the bounding box public Vector3 Maximum { get ; } See Also......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities assembly Aspose.3D Extent Minimum...
ShaderException ShaderException class Shader related exceptions public class ShaderException : Exception Constructors......namespace Aspose.ThreeD.Render assembly Aspose.3D SPIRVSource...