Depth KnownPropertyList.Depth field Specifies the number of nested categories in which a given row is contained. Area...... Area: MapiCommon Canonical name:...
AppointmentProposedDuration KnownPropertyList.AppointmentProposedDuration field Indicates the proposed value for the ...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentPro...
AttachmentContactPhoto KnownPropertyList.AttachmentContactPhoto field Indicates that a contact photo attachment is at...... Area: Message Attachment Properties...
PrimarySendAccount KnownPropertyList.PrimarySendAccount field Specifies the first server that a client is to use to s...... Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical...
NextSendAcct KnownPropertyList.NextSendAcct field Specifies the server that a client is currently attempting to use t...... Area: Outlook Application Canonical...
DelegatedByRule KnownPropertyList.DelegatedByRule field Specifies whether the message was forwarded due to the trigge...... Area: MapiStatus Canonical name:...
AttachTag KnownPropertyList.AttachTag field Contains the identifier information for the application that supplied the...... Area: Message Attachment Properties...
CleanGlobalObjectId KnownPropertyList.CleanGlobalObjectId field Contains the value of the PidLidGlobalObjectId proper...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidCleanGlobalObj...
CreatorEntryId KnownPropertyList.CreatorEntryId field Specifies the original author of the message according to their...... Area: ID Properties Canonical name:...
RecipientProposedStartTime KnownPropertyList.RecipientProposedStartTime field Indicates the meeting start time reques...... Area: TransportRecipient Canonical...