BusinessFaxNumber KnownPropertyList.BusinessFaxNumber field Contains the telephone number of the mail user’s business...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
ContentBase KnownPropertyList.ContentBase field Specifies the value of the MIME Content-Base header, which defines th...... Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameContentBase...
DisplayTypeEx KnownPropertyList.DisplayTypeEx field Contains an integer value that indicates how to display an Addres...... Area: MapiAddressBook Canonical name:...
ReportText KnownPropertyList.ReportText field Contains the optional text for a report message. Area: MapiMessage Cano...... Area: MapiMessage Canonical name:...
CompanyMainTelephoneNumber KnownPropertyList.CompanyMainTelephoneNumber field Contains the main telephone number of t...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
BodyContentId KnownPropertyList.BodyContentId field Contains a GUID that corresponds to the current message body. Are...... Area: Exchange Canonical name: PidTagBodyContentId...
Determines whether the text frame will be included in a rendering Area or not. Write bool. Default value is false....will be included in a rendering area or not. Write bool . Default...
Returns the height of a plot Area bounding box as a fraction of the height of the chart (from 0 to 1). Read float....Returns the height of a plot area bounding box as a fraction of...
MappingSignature KnownPropertyList.MappingSignature field A 16-byte constant that is present on all Address Book obje...... Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical...