FastSpeed LzipArchiveSettings.FastSpeed property Gets the instance of the LzipArchiveSettings class with dictionary s......Zip.Lzip assembly Aspose.Zip FastestSpeed HighCompression...
AllEntries XarDirectoryEntry.AllEntries property Gets all entries of XarEntry type constituting the directory recursi......Zip.Xar assembly Aspose.Zip Directories English...
Добавляет в архив все файлы и каталоги рекурсивно в заданном каталоге....Zip.Tar сборка Aspose.Zip CreateEntries(string...пространство имен Aspose.Zip.Tar сборка Aspose.Zip Entries CreateEntry...
FastestSpeed LzipArchiveSettings.FastestSpeed property Gets the instance of the LzipArchiveSettings class with dictio......Zip.Lzip assembly Aspose.Zip LzipArchiveSettings...