CreationTime RarArchiveEntry.CreationTime property Gets creation date and time. public DateTime CreationTime { get ; ......Zip.Rar assembly Aspose.Zip CompressedSize IsDirectory...
Length TarEntry.Length property Get length of entry in bytes. public long Length { get ; } See Also class TarEntry na......Zip.Tar assembly Aspose.Zip IsDirectory Name...
ModificationTime RarArchiveEntry.ModificationTime property Gets last modified date and time. public DateTime Modifica......Zip.Rar assembly Aspose.Zip LastAccessTime Name...
Name CabEntry.Name property Gets name of the entry within archive. public string Name { get ; } See Also class CabEnt......Zip.Cab assembly Aspose.Zip Length Extract English...
LastWriteTime WimEntry.LastWriteTime property Gets the modification time of the file or directory. public DateTime La......Zip.Wim assembly Aspose.Zip LastAccessTime Name...
CreationTime WimEntry.CreationTime property Gets the creation time of the file or directory. public DateTime Creation......Zip.Wim assembly Aspose.Zip ChangeTime FileAttributes...
Store CompressionSettings.Store property An instance of StoreCompressionSettings with default parameters. public stat......Zip.Saving assembly Aspose.Zip PPMd English Русский...