EventsBag EventsBag class Events container used on Archive saving. public sealed class EventsBag Constructors Name De......Zip.Saving assembly Aspose.Zip EnhancedDeflateCompr...
EncryptionMethod EncryptionMethod enumeration Encryption/decryption methods can be used with zip archive. public enum......Encryption/decryption methods can be used with zip archive. public enum EncryptionMethod...namespace Aspose.Zip.Saving assembly Aspose.Zip DeflateCompressionSe...
CreateEntry Contents [ Hide ] Archive.CreateEntry method (1 of 4) Create single entry within the archive. public Arch...... Return Value Zip entry instance. Exceptions exception...zipFile = File . Open ( "" , FileMode . Create )) { using...
ParallelCompressInMemory ParallelOptions.ParallelCompressInMemory property Gets or sets value indicating how parallel......Zip.Saving assembly Aspose.Zip AvailableMemorySize...
Entries CpioArchive.Entries property Gets entries of CpioEntry type constituting the archive. public ReadOnlyCollecti......Zip.Cpio assembly Aspose.Zip CpioArchive CreateEntries...
Entries TarArchive.Entries property Gets entries of TarEntry type constituting the archive. public ReadOnlyCollection......Zip.Tar assembly Aspose.Zip FromZ CreateEntries...