Archive Contents [ Hide ] Archive constructor (1 of 3) Initializes a new instance of the Archive class with optional" , FileMode . Create )) { using...Archive namespace Aspose.Zip assembly Aspose.Zip Archive constructor...
OpenGzip Contents [ Hide ] ComHelper.OpenGzip method (1 of 2) Allows a COM application to load a gzip archive from a ......Zip assembly Aspose.Zip ComHelper.OpenGzip...ComHelper namespace Aspose.Zip assembly Aspose.Zip OpenBzip2 OpenRar English...
ArchiveComment ArchiveSaveOptions.ArchiveComment property Gets or sets optional comment for the Zip file. public stri......sets optional comment for the Zip file. public string ArchiveComment...namespace Aspose.Zip.Saving assembly Aspose.Zip ArchiveSaveOptions...
SetSource Contents [ Hide ] LzmaArchive.SetSource method (1 of 3) Sets the content to be compressed within the archiv......Zip.LZMA assembly Aspose.Zip LzmaArchive.SetSource...namespace Aspose.Zip.LZMA assembly Aspose.Zip LzmaArchive.SetSource...
GzipArchive Contents [ Hide ] GzipArchive constructor (1 of 3) Initializes a new instance of the GzipArchive class pr......Zip.Gzip assembly Aspose.Zip GzipArchive constructor...namespace Aspose.Zip.Gzip assembly Aspose.Zip GzipArchive constructor...