Allows to specify decoration effect for revisions of document text in Java....strike through // and double-underlined blue at the moved-to revision...evisionTextEffect.DOUBLE_UNDERLINE); // Render format revisions...
Weight HeaderFooterFont.Weight property Specifies the weight of the font. Equivalent to the GDI LOGFONT lfWeight fiel......Diagram Underline Width English Русский 简体中文...
Returns the LineFormat properties used to outline Underline line. No inheritance applied. Read-only ILineFormataspose.slides/ used to outline underline line. No inheritance applied...
SystemFontName Font.SystemFontName property public string SystemFontName { get ; } 也可以看看 class Font 命名空间 Aspose.Drawi......Drawing Style Underline 简体中文 Русский...
Returns the LineFormat properties used to outline Underline line. No inheritance applied. Read-only used to outline underline line. No inheritance applied...
Aspose::Words::Settings::CompatibilityOptions::get_UlTrailSpace method. Underline All Trailing Spaces in C++....:get_UlTrailSpace method Underline All Trailing Spaces. bool...