ToWin32 ColorTranslator.ToWin32 method Translates the color to win32 color. public static int ToWin32 ( Color c ) Par......ToWin32 method Translates the color to win32 color...
ToOle ColorTranslator.ToOle method Translates OLE color to color. public static int ToOle ( Color c ) Parameter Type ......ToOle method Translates OLE color to color. public...
Transform Device.Transform method Transforms the current transformation matrix. Calls writeTransform(Transform) publi......Page ToString Translate English Русский 简体中文...
Classes System::Web::UI::WebControls Namespace Reference Classes class DataGrid Dummy class making it possible linkin......making it possible linking translated code with DataGrid references...
Classes System::Web::UI::WebControls Namespace Reference Classes class DataGrid Dummy class making it possible linkin......making it possible linking translated code with DataGrid references...
Classes System::Web::UI::WebControls Namespace Reference Classes class DataGrid Dummy class making it possible linkin......making it possible linking translated code with DataGrid references...
Converts the specified Color object to the string representation of equivalent HTML color....Color & A Color object to translate Return Value The name of HTML...
TransformPoints Matrix.TransformPoints method Applies the geometric transform represented by this Matrix to a specifi......PSD ToString Translate English Русский 简体中文...