Detailed explanation & examples for every class & method in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF documents using Java platform....and gives better scaling of captions when scaling is necessary See...
Provides methods to render an individual OfficeMath to a raster or vector image or to a Graphics object....Examples Shows how to measure and scale shapes. auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir...size in pixels, with linear scaling to a specific DPI. System::Drawing::Rectangle...
FieldMergeBarcode BackgroundColor property. Gets or sets the background color of the barcode symbol. Valid values are in the range 0 0xFFFFFF in C#....// Apply custom colors and scaling. field . BackgroundColor =...
FieldMergeBarcode SymbolHeight property. Gets or sets the height of the symbol. The units are in TWIPS 1/1440 inch in C#....// Apply custom colors and scaling. field . BackgroundColor =...
Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldDisplayBarcode::get_ScalingFactor method. Gets or sets a Scaling factor for the symbol. The value is in whole percentage points and the valid values are [10, 1000] in C++....tor method Gets or sets a scaling factor for the symbol. The...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartAxis class. Represents the axis options of the chart. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....get_DisplayUnit () Specifies the scaling value of the display units...get_MajorUnitScale () Returns or sets the scale value for major tick marks on...
C# .NET API with the ability to preserve the 3D wired models, render double-side planes, scale up watermarks, improved DWG to PDF rendering and conversion.... Scale Up Watermarks Added the support for scaling up of...
I want to take my SVG file and render it at 32x32. I can render my SVG files as PNGs but they are always massive, is there a way to set a target size? I tried creating a page for the renderer but that just crops the imag…...that just crops the image not scales it. Thanks! asad.ali August...FitContent, /// <summary> /// Scaling a content size in accordance...