FxCommonTransparent FxCommonTransparent class The FX common transparent. public class FxCommonTransparent : FxCommonC...... Properties Name Description Item { get;...
TargetableFloat3 TargetableFloat3 class The target able float 3. public class TargetableFloat3 : ColladaElement Const...... Properties Name Description Sid { get;...
ParameterInit ParameterInit class Class implementing print ticket parameter initializer. public class ParameterInit :...... Properties Name Description Name { get;...
FlyThroughTransition FlyThroughTransition class Fly-through slide transition effect. The FlyThroughTransition type ex......exposes the following members: Properties Name Description direction...
MailgunClientOptions MailgunClientOptions class Options to set the MailgunClient parameters. public class MailgunClie...... Properties Name Description ApiKey {...
IMotionCmdPath IMotionCmdPath class Represent one command of a path. The IMotionCmdPath type exposes the following me......exposes the following members: Properties Name Description points Specifies...
WmfCreateRegion WmfCreateRegion class The META_CREATEREGION record creates a Region Object (section public ...... Properties Name Description Index {...
CadBoolParameter CadBoolParameter class public class CadBoolParameter : CadParameter < bool > Constructors Name Descr......CadBoolParameter (CadEntityAttribute) Properties Name Description Type { get;...
Layer Layer class public class Layer : XmpTypeBase , IEquatable < Layer > Constructors Name Description Layer () The ...... Layer (string, string) Properties Name Description Name { get;...