OriginalSentRepresentingEntryId KnownPropertyList.OriginalSentRepresentingEntryId field Identifies an address book En...... Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSentRe...
Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GroupFill class. Represents this fill format should inherit the fill Properties of the group...format should inherit the fill properties of the group. public class...
IAlphaCeilingEffectiveData IAlphaCeilingEffectiveData class Immutable object which represents an Alpha Ceiling effect......exposes the following members: Properties Name Description as_i_effect_effective_data...
OdPen OdPen class The open document pen public class OdPen Constructors Name Description OdPen () The default constru...... Properties Name Description Brush {...
EmfPlusRectF EmfPlusRectF class The EmfPlusRectF object specifies a rectangle’s origin, height, and width as 32-bit f...... Properties Name Description Rect { get;...
DgnLineElement DgnLineElement class Represents line public class DgnLineElement : DgnDrawingElementBase Properties Na......DgnLineElement : DgnDrawingElementBas Properties Name Description override...