clear clear() method Removes all elements from the collection. Returns void...clear clear() method Removes all elements from the collection. Returns void
setNewAnimation setNewAnimation( PresentationAnimationsGenerator.NewAnimation anim) method Set a new animation event.......setNewAnimation setNewAnimation( PresentationAnimationsGenerator.NewAnimation anim) method Set a new animation event....
getX getX() method Returns a X-offset of an image. Read-only int. Returns int...getX getX() method Returns a X-offset of an image. Read-only int. Returns int
getIncludeHiddenSlides getIncludeHiddenSlides() method Get or sets if hidden slides should be included. Returns boolean...getIncludeHiddenSlides getIncludeHiddenSlides() method Get or sets if hidden slides should be included. Returns boolean
setVerticalJustification setVerticalJustification(int value) method Vertical justification of group character. Specif......setVerticalJustification setVerticalJustification(int value) method Vertical justification of group character. Specif...
setShowOutlineIcons setShowOutlineIcons(boolean value) method Specifies whether the application should show icons if ......setShowOutlineIcons setShowOutlineIcons(boolean value) method Specifies whether the application should show icons if ...
getRelativeScaleWidth getRelativeScaleWidth() method Returns or sets the scale of width (relative to original picture......getRelativeScaleWidth getRelativeScaleWidth() method Returns or sets the scale of width (relative to original picture...
setPictureFillMode setPictureFillMode(int value) method Returns or sets the picture fill mode. Read/write PictureFill......setPictureFillMode setPictureFillMode(int value) method Returns or sets the picture fill mode. Read/write PictureFill...